Bueno, no va a ser todo estudio, estudio y más estudio, con algo nos tenemos que animar. Por qué no con las ventajas que supone ser un funcionario de la Unión Europea? ¿No os resulta inspirador a la hora de coger los libros? A mi por lo menos, sí.
Hace poco tiempo, andaba dando una vuelta por la página de la Comisión Europea cuando me encontre con una página titulada "los funcionarios titulares". No os voy a destripar todo pero os dejo unos cuantos titulares (en inglés):
- Salary
Basic monthly Commission salaries range from around €2,300 per month for a newly recruited AST 1 official to around €16,000 per month for a top level AD 16 official with over 4 years of seniority.
- Allowances
If you have left your home country to come and work for the European Commission, you are entitled to an expatriation allowance equivalent to 16% of your basic salary.
- Pension
EU officials normally reach retirement age at 63, but it is possible to take early retirement with a reduced pension from the age of 55, or to work up until the age of 67.
Pensions are paid as a percentage of the final basic salary. Officials accumulate 1.9% pension rights every year and are entitled to a maximum pension of 70% of their final basic salary.
- Reconciling professional & personal life
A range of measures are in place to help ensure that working for the Commission is conducive to a healthy professional, personal and family life. These measures focus on parental and compassionate leave, a solid infrastructure of childcare and schooling and modern working arrangements.
Todo eso y mucho más.
Por cierto para los que les gusta saber cuanto pueden cobrar de suelto, aquí va el link directo a la tabla de salarios.
Nos leemos.
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